Tuesday, July 15, 2008

那是一個風和日麗的早晨, 鳥語花香, 我與阿澍決定郊遊去

太陽公公還沒曬到屁股, 我們就出門了

我們還遇見兩隻猴子, 我已經好幾年都沒有看見猴子, 我想起我童年那有個兩毛錢當吊墜的猴子, 我早已忘了那猴子的主人到底是誰, 我也忘了那猴子叫甚麼名字, 我只記得那兩毛錢還有那包Dunhill的煙盒

這裡除了不可抽煙, 騎腳車, 還有焚燒東西以外還不可餵(猴子)食與撲蝶 ^^



好像八爪魚, 只是比較硬姿態而已

從鋼鐵的細縫中往下看, 我發現我有點懼高

有人說狗是忠心的, 我一直有點懷疑, 直到我看到它

不要說越先進的國家, 人民越不健康, 你看! 人多到…

走過了那鋼鐵橋以後看到的是波浪型的一條橋, 木製的

太陽漸漸變得很可惡的曬了, 我想回家了

人在海拔六十幾公尺上, 我覺得累

離開那波浪型的橋, 我從下面往上看, 發現原來不是波浪型而是蛆蟲型

天空好漂亮, 又是一個星期天

Monday, July 14, 2008

寫於聽了Tizzy Bac的那晚

夢想到底要多堅持才可以實現, 也許許多人都不知道在堅持的路上會遇見甚麼其他讓自己分心或變質的事情 面對那些看似普通的建議到底讓自己多少巴仙的堅持流逝了也懵然不知 我們都不知道 那些無法預知的未來 所以也唯有只有一步一腳印
我在聽完了那也不見得非常完美的現場演出之後異常的心情澎湃, 那些鼓聲, 貝斯聲與鍵盤的合音以後我開始想要為自己做點甚麼, 除了持續那自我的個性以外我總是不夠努力 不夠努力讓自己發光 我在想我到底忘了甚麼而演變成現在的我自己 所以我總是處於抑鬱與易於憤怒的心情 讓我自己不容易平易近人 而我自己卻對這些不容易控制的情緒懊惱不已 然後產生了那些接近放棄的心態 我總是讓那些想要接近我的人膽怯或氣餒或無奈或那些我沒有辦法解釋的想法 因此而變得孤僻與自我中心 我總是覺得寬以待己严以律人 這些我都知道卻沒有辦法抑制自己對別人那超出完美的要求 然而我可能忘了這個世界也許不需要那麼執作與奮鬥就能得到很多

寫於聽了Tizzy Bac的那晚.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

想法 II

常常有那些知道永遠不會發生卻無法停止的想法吧? 我也常常無法控制那些難以兌現的夢想

我想要擁有那些寂寞卻單純的工作 好比燈塔管理員或圖書管理員甚麼的 可是制服好醜

噢~ 那只是臉頰變大而肉的原因 所以時下流行的蘿蔔型牛仔褲會卡在大腿的最肥處

從左手食指除下的銀色小玩意 看見了多年不見陽光的環還有陪伴自己多年的他

他們說戴上墨鏡大概只有幾個原因太陽很曬或想紅 或許我兩者都有 哈

事情不過隔了一年 我怎麼忘了那該死的態度跟心情?

剛開始有人說要像拼圖要互補 後來有人說性格南轅北轍並不合 也許只是愛著與否的原因而已 還有人言可畏啊~~

我擁有長而亂的一頭自然捲 雪白的地板上都躺滿了它們的痕跡

你腿斷了沒? 死豬!! (說是豬都太侮辱了豬)

她喜歡吃薯條, ham, 喝milo冰, cola
她喜歡大叫他人: 大哥, 若男

我有一本寫滿法文的小本子 對 就是想哪天到了法國巴黎小秀一下


這是一個著魔了的世界, 各個個體都自以為是的虛偽演出 把那提線木偶的麻繩給剪斷了還它自由吧!

我是收藏達人 收藏面具, 謊言, 抱怨與大人世界的一切

穿上了紅色的舞鞋 走起路來都特別輕盈 跳舞也可減肥

他喜歡趁我很專心在做某些事情時遞給我一杯淡中帶澀的冰中國茶 感覺總是現代又復古 好矛盾

那喋喋不休的波卡 要聽過才明白 好喋喋不休喔~ 煩死了

管他是黃蜂進行曲還是大黃蜂的飛行 好聽就好 放輕鬆點

我常常在隔壁座聊得興起時按下蘋果的暫停按鈕 有點不道德的賤 我想也是的

我總是覺得我應該去拿點甚麼攝影文憑的 不漂亮的總是在背後拿相機的那個

我喜歡旅行的事先準備還有事後的照片整理階段 因為我總是在旅程中太過忙碌與疲憊於停下來細心的看 同時時間縱使我急躁

我擁有一個與我同月同日生的男性朋友 他人在英國 是我喜歡的地方 常常跟他聊天的時候 我看到我另外一個倔強, 固執與叛逆的自己 我們有著對人事物相像的看法 包括偶爾想給那些說話大聲和喋喋不休的同胞們幾個響亮的巴掌

她終於推出了失敗著的飛翔 我總是想在2008年的7月13日到台北走一趟

漂亮加有型加才華橫溢 我非常的喜歡那天晚上戴著粗框眼鏡的鼓手 天, 我總是愛上鼓手 怎麼辦?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is a LONG one (Should be post on the date 14th Jan 2009)

I do agree that do not write anything about office politic at blog, because you do not know who is the one who reading and again backstab you by using your blog as one of the proves.

Sometimes people just don't understand blog is a space to the blogger to breath a little bit more when he or she suffers from the sickness of being too reality in the world outside Internet.

I am being isolated by myself all these days, because I start to understand that the most dangerous animal in the world is human being, who walk, drink, eat, play and talk with you all the time.

The person I mentioned here do not really read Chinese, so I have to write in English so that she can understand very well, if she reading this.

The story starts with an online shop, which I think I really have to re-clarify myself if you think offended.

First of all, I think I already told you in the first place, I do not really interested in the business that you dreaming to have, but if you need somebody to help and support you, I do not mind to start everything with you. But I do said I will withdraw myself once I think I should, remember you said you understand to me?

End up, you do everything yourself, look for suppliers and contact them to get the stock that you want. But the process is irritating, because you do it during the working hours while we might be busy or just do not have the mood to discuss it. You keep on bombing me (should said us) with pop up msn message, because you do not really understand Chinese, but you have to deal with Taiwanese supplier.
While chatting with suppliers, you just copy and paste the words you do not understand and ask for our translation. After answered, you just disappear by continue the conversation with supplier.

And the best part is, it happened at least 10 times a day. Don't you feel irritating if somebody do the same to you every single day?

I think somehow or rather being partner need to have share something in common, I think it is really hard for us to communication because you always think you are correct, eventhough you are not, you will insist to do it regardless we do or do not agree with you. For the 2nd shipment, I really see no point bringing it in, because you do not really have any order yet. Why making yourself so miserable. Since you already have the suppliers to supplier stock for you, why so hurry? Just ask suppliers for some picture of the stock that they have and wait for order then ask supplier to post it to you. Your house is not store room to keep all the stock.

I think doing business really have to think alot, can not just simply do it without think twice. And many more, after few weeks, I feel that since we are having a huge different in thinking and doing things, why keep us together, maybe back to normal friend sounds better. We did talk about how I feel and we settled everything by I leave you alone work on what you want and I continue my own dream too.

Since, initially I already said I will leave you when I meet the right time. Right?

You still remember the last phrase you told is, I do thank you for telling me all these, I do not know how badly you think while I am working alone here. Do not let this spoilt our relationship. Then you start to talk alot of things about me and behind me.

Well, this is not the first time anyway. Remember you also do the same last time after the meeting, you tell everybody about how bad you feel working together with me, but in front of me, you just act nothing happened.

End up you come to me and say you did tell me about what you said to boss and senior and others too. By telling me do not take it as you backstab me, because you did tell me AT THE FINAL MOMENT you tell everyone about it.

I told you, next time if you feel bad about me, just tell me first, I might not know I did wrong because if I do, I won't do it that way.

You said you are sorry about not treating me as partner and also not trusting me. I said ok, I am fine. And yet I found out you did it AGAIN.

This is suck, and I feel sick with you, all the time during working hours.

So, please stop talking about me, because I am nobody in your life.

I do not want to be IMPORTANT.
